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Laravel Microservices: Breaking a Monolith to Microservices
The Monolith
Setup (8:24)
Stripe Keys (3:45)
Exploring the code (5:32)
Email Microservice (1:22)
Monolith vs Microservices (2:49)
Email Microservice
Setup (3:04)
Kafka Setup (5:37)
Confluenct Cloud CLI (5:00)
Consume Kafka Messages (11:27)
Custom Queues (11:34)
Produce Messages (8:38)
Producing Jobs (8:08)
Sending Emails (9:03)
Custom Composer Packages (8:04)
Using Custom Packages (10:22)
Multiple Topics (3:38)
User Microservice
User Microservice (1:07)
Setup (5:02)
Importing Users (7:09)
User Service (9:07)
External Networks (7:08)
Login (4:33)
Authenticated User (5:49)
Refactoring API Service (4:06)
Finishing AuthController (6:05)
Removing User from Controllers (8:59)
Removing the User Model (8:09)
Scope Middleware (6:41)
Creating User Service Package (3:37)
Checkout Microservice
Checkout Microservice (0:30)
Setup (5:05)
Importing Data (4:12)
Moving Controllers (5:09)
Configuring Kafka (10:02)
Completing Checkout Microservice (7:07)
Testing (3:17)
Ambassador Microservice
Admin and Ambassador Microservice (0:32)
Setup (5:10)
Importing Data (6:12)
Moving Controllers (4:47)
Refactoring AuthController (4:59)
Configuring Kafka (7:01)
Admin Microservice
Setup (4:15)
Importing Data (2:34)
Moving Controllers (4:39)
Final Changes (8:10)
Testing and Bugfixing (11:56)
Kubernetes & Deployment
Pods (7:20)
Mailtrap (3:53)
Kompose (5:25)
Secrets (6:26)
Google Kubernetes Engine (5:54)
Google Cloud SDK (4:20)
Google Container Registry (4:46)
Users Production Build (2:37)
Cloud SQL (5:22)
Users Deployment and Service (7:06)
Ingress (6:46)
Database private ip (5:15)
Refreshing environment variables (8:31)
Admin Production Setup (6:45)
Admin Deployment and Service (7:31)
Admin Ingress (5:35)
Changing the User Service (11:29)
Ambassador Production Setup (7:02)
Ambassador Kubernetes Files (5:38)
Deploy Ambassador (10:55)
Checkout Production Setup (5:52)
Checkout Kubernetes Files (3:50)
Deploy Checkout (8:49)
Changing Service Names (3:43)
Testing the Frontend (3:46)
Building Frontend Images (4:36)
Deploying the Frontend (12:09)
External Networks
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