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Golang Microservices: Breaking a Monolith to Microservices
The Monolith
Setup (8:42)
Stripe Keys (4:01)
Exploring the Code (3:59)
Monolith vs Microservices (2:49)
Email Microservice
Email Diagram (0:52)
Setup (2:32)
Kafka Setup (5:37)
Confluenct Cloud CLI (5:00)
Consuming Kafka Messages (4:58)
Producing Kafka Messages (5:55)
Sending Emails (7:00)
Users Microservice
Users Diagram (0:37)
Setup (8:17)
Importing Data (6:00)
Adding Routes (4:50)
Http Requests (7:05)
Login (7:49)
Requests with Headers (6:06)
Refactoring Requests (10:02)
Services (8:16)
Logout (11:10)
Completing AuthController (5:11)
Ambassadors (8:52)
Getting a User (6:09)
User Context (7:30)
Scopes (11:58)
Removing the User (4:00)
External Networks (6:44)
Sharing Packages (5:03)
Admin Microservice
Admin Diagram (0:28)
Setup (8:48)
Importing Data (6:29)
Moving Controllers (7:07)
Configuring Kafka (9:10)
Ambassador Microservice
Ambassador and Checkout Diagram (0:39)
Setup (8:19)
Importing Data (7:40)
Moving Controllers (11:12)
Configuring Kafka (9:41)
Consumer Service (8:19)
Testing Kafka Events (9:50)
Handling Errors (7:56)
Checkout Microservice
Setup (6:57)
Moving Controllers (10:13)
Configuring Kafka (14:24)
Testing the Frontend (9:50)
Kubernetes & Deployment
Kubernetes (2:15)
Production Build (6:28)
Pods (5:51)
Environment Variables (10:12)
Kompose (6:23)
Secrets (7:00)
Google Kubernetes Engine (3:10)
Cloud Shell (4:25)
Cloud SDK (2:01)
Container Registry (4:28)
Cloud SQL (7:25)
Authorized Networks (2:41)
Users Kubernetes Engine (3:02)
Users Deployment (7:08)
Ingress (7:34)
Private IP (6:55)
Admin Setup (9:06)
Admin Kubernetes Files (4:18)
Admin Deployment (6:50)
Ambassador Setup (7:48)
Ambassador Kubernetes Files (3:30)
Ambassador Deplyoment (9:06)
Checkout Setup (7:11)
Checkout Kubernetes Files (2:23)
Checkout Deployment (4:09)
Email Diagram
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