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The Ultimate Authentication Course with Django and React
Django Authentication using Access & Refresh Tokens
Setup (2:16)
Database (3:30)
Models (4:42)
Views (6:13)
Serializers (6:19)
Serializer Methods (4:27)
Login (5:00)
Jwt (8:55)
Cors (3:32)
Authenticated User (9:28)
Middlewares (5:05)
Refreshing the Token (5:11)
Revoking Tokens (9:02)
Logout (2:53)
Forgot Password (5:17)
Sending Emails (6:17)
Reset Password (4:44)
Exception Handler (2:54)
React Access & Refresh Token Authentication
Setup (3:36)
Components (3:26)
Routes (7:26)
Register (7:33)
Login (3:54)
Authenticated User (4:24)
Interceptors (7:28)
Logout (6:41)
Redux Toolkit (3:40)
Using Redux (10:17)
Forgot Password (7:43)
Reset Password (4:59)
Two Factor Authentication
Two Factor Authentication (6:19)
Sending the Authenticator Code (4:32)
Expanding the Login Form (3:46)
Authenticator Form (6:31)
Displaying the QR Code (8:56)
Google Authentication
Django Google Authentication (7:59)
React Google Authentication (7:54)
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